What 3 key skills will get you in the talent pool in China?

Wanna know why you should throw your CV out the window? Do you know how big the piece of the job market pie for young flexpats really is? What 3 key skills will get you in the talent pool in China? The fast track ticket to get into China on a visa and good income. Entry level salaries for young engineers, marketing professionals and teachers? National and local job websites that contain most opportunities. These and more questions will be answered by Ricardo Moreira who has helped thousands of young graduates find opportunities in China through his program "Pitch Bootcamp China".
All the websites you need:
Zhaopin - https://www.zhaopin.com/
51job - https://www.51job.com/
BOSSzhipin - https://www.zhipin.com/
Liepin - https://www.liepin.com/
YJBYSWang - https://yjbys.com/
Wechat Accounts and Websites for Internationals HiredChina - https://www.hiredchina.com/
Jobtube - https://jobtube.cn/
eChinaJobs - https://jobs.echinacities.com/
WeHustle - https://wehustle.cn/
HelloCareer / JingJobs - https://hellocareer.cn/
ChinaJobsDaily - https://www.chinajobsdaily.com/
ForeignHR . https://www.foreignhr.com/
Talent Development Programs (examples) Alibaba Global Talent Development - https://agla.alibaba.com/-
JD.com’s management trainee programs - http://campus.jd.com/home
JP Morgan China Talent Development - https://careers.jpmorgan.com/cn/en/students/programs/china-development
Job Placement Programs CRCC Asia - https://www.crccasia.com/
Pagoda Projects - https://pagodaprojects.com/
Remote Internships Virtual Internships - https://www.virtualinternships.com/ Government or University Programs (examples) British Council (UK) - https://www.britishcouncil.org/study-work-abroad/outside-uk/internships-china
INOV Contacto (Portugal) - http://www.portugalglobal.pt/PT/InovContacto/Paginas/AboutInovContacto.aspx Teaching or Study programs in China (examples) Hutong School - https://www.hutong-school.com/
Campus China 留学中国- http://www.campuschina.org/index.html
CUCAS - https://www.cucas.cn/
Study Abroad - https://www.studyabroad.com/in-china